Projects with Goldbell: Wall Mural – Transitions, Blocks for the Future, SG Bench and The Route
SRO’s 10th Anniversary Mural

To commemorate Singapore River One’s 10-year anniversary in 2022, we commissioned a community mural at Coleman Underpass (between Clarke Quay CapitaLand and North Boat Quay) in the first quarter of 2023.
This mural is made up of 2 walls celebrating the river’s history, it’s significance today and the days to come.
Light at the end of the tunnel uses a symbol of a little red dot that arises on the horizon in the past, burgeons into the present and continues to celebrate its aura in the future.
The beginning of the wall in sepia captures the grandeur of our Past, paying tribute to our resilient pioneers who rise upon stormy seas. Then, it alludes into the Present with bright colours illuminating our fauna and flora, amidst noteworthy Singaporean buildings. This transitions to a wall of cool colours, with abstract expressions envisaging the Future, rendered in stylised Universal Language of Arts to ignite imagination.
Light at the end of the tunnel was created by Master artist Sun Yu-li and Artbeatz Artists: CJ Kho, Dawn Tam, Eunice Tan, Barry Yeow, D’ Gers Feitouchi and Ridhuan Jailer.
Light at the end of the tunnel
Kaleidoscope of Dreams is a community mural on the opposing wall. 231 Singapore River stakeholders and community members from all walks of life contributed to this wall, envisioning the futures of Singapore River. Dots, lines and circles in Master Sun Yu-li’s Universal Language of Arts connect individual aspirations to form a harmonious collective of hopes and dreams for the future of the Singapore River.
We would like to thank all participants for their contribution to this wall mural! All participants are listed below.
Kaleidoscope of Dreams
A R Muhammad Rashaad Nasif | Lim Yun Hui |
Adeline Goh | Lim ZhiXuan Shari |
Adrian Lai | Lim Zi Jian |
Alexa Belen | Loh Chee Xiang |
Alexander Hartanto | Loh Khai Cheng |
Alexander Kraemer | Lov |
Alishka Arora | Maggie Jiang |
Alison Fagan | Mah Chon Seong |
Amanda Farley | Mahad Piangpordee |
Amber Dion Wang En Yu | Malvika Arora |
Andy Buda | Manavalan Sridevi |
Angelita Mansuri Loong | Marcus Yeo |
Ann Lau | Maren Oscenoa |
Anna Leong | Maureen Deng |
Annabelle | Max Buda |
Ansel Koh-Reuben | Melvin Leong |
Antonia Prior | Mia |
Arnaaz Malhi | Michael D. Callahan |
Axel Wang Alson | Michael Molodenkov |
Ayden Gan Zhi Xuan | Michelle Chen Q W |
Bibhuti Rizal | Michelle Koh Siew Lin |
Boran Wang | Michelle Lim |
Charlyn Chew Jye Yee | Michelle Yap Jia Qi |
Charmine Tan Sze Han | Mihindukulasuriya Shanessa Trisha Fernando |
Charrette Tchikoltsoff | Tan Sok Tiow |
Cheri Ng | Naoaki Waga |
Chia Ngiang Hong | Naomi |
Chia Wan Ting | Nasen Xavier Thiagarajan |
Chin Li Kai | Neald |
Chou Mei | Ng Pei En |
Christina Sotnir | Noriko Fujimoto |
Chua Min Han, Remus | Nur Suria Elysa Binte Saharuddin |
Claire | Nurun Nafiesah Binte Muhamad F |
Copper Cahill | Nuryn Alysha Binte Mohamed Fadilah |
Dan | Oh Mi |
David Chua | Oo Janie |
Deborah Chean | Owen Lee Cheong Xu |
Denise Lee | Pam Del Rosario |
Diana Kraemer | Paul King |
Diarys Hernandez | Princess |
Dilshad Malhi | Putri Nur |
Doreen Low | Qian Yi Jun |
Dylan Deng | Qila |
E JiaXun Hannah | Ranfer Hernandez |
Eden Kim | Relly Preecote |
Eliz Zhou Hvi’En | Ridhuan |
Erum Neyazi | Rob Healey |
Eryna Qistina Binte Muhammad Edmid Johar | Roxanne Theng Yong Ning |
Esther | Ruhernie Abu Yamin |
Eunice Goh | Ryan Lim |
Fedar Molodenkov | Sandra Octaviani |
Firdaus Rubin | Sarocha |
Florian Albrecht | Shagufta Neyazi |
Fun Siew Leng | Sharon Peh |
Gabriella Wong | Shermaine Lim |
Gagan Singh | Shermaine Sim |
Gandhi Tejasvi Nimeshkumar | Shirleen He |
Gauri Mahajani | Si Woo |
Genevieve Leo Yu San | Sim Bee Leng |
Ghan Lu Hong | Star Learners @ Telok Blangah |
Gillian Tan | Syakir Rizql Bin Mohammed Sufyan |
Giselle Tan Yi Jia | Syed Mohsin Bin Syed Hassan Alkaff |
Gordan Cheong Rui En | Taj Taak |
Grace Odlum | Tammy Gray |
Guo Teyi | Tan Ee Zu |
Hans Sebastian | Tay Ya Xian |
Hema | Taz Tay |
Ian Parr | Teh Guat Hwav Monica |
Isablle Ti | Tham Mei Ling |
Ita Nursyahirah Mohamand Amin | Thashreefah Nasreen Binte Mohamed Eusoph |
Jayantika Soni | Thaveesha |
Jean Liu | Tieu Xin Yue |
Jenny Chow | Tisha Arora |
Joe Hendriks | Van Noor |
Jose Franco | Vandana Manjarekar |
Josephine Chan | Vea Del Rosario |
Josephine Hervie Damian | Vera Kow Yue |
Kai Murasaki | Vikram Malhi |
Karen Grace | Vivienne Soon |
Karina Huber | Vivienne Wong |
Kate Wee Ai Xuan | Wang Jiajie |
Katharina Klaeser | Wong Yau |
Katharina Martin | Xu Conghao |
Keegan Chua Rui Long | Xu Congxi |
Kelsey Yap | Xue Yuling |
Kieu Kim Sen | Yang XuanYi |
Kimberly Kramer | Yang Zheng Han |
Kimberly Maxine Pereira | Yee Si Ying Ashley |
Kurt Leo | Yi Xuan Bai |
Kyrah Narziyanto | Yiran Wang |
Lai Meini | Yvette Lim |
Lai Sen Fong | Yvonne |
Lavanya Kumar Jain | Zara Malhi |
Lee Yeow Xun | Zen Xu |
Leona Mulcahy | Zoey Dayyan Jagus |
Lilian Hanson Zirk | Zulma Moreno |
Lim Jia Yi Callista | 侯瑞华 |
Lim Wen Jing Shannon | @jeremythesnork for The Warehouse Hotel |
Lim Xin Yuan |
Thank you to all participants for joining us. Please write to for any spelling errors.

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